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Update: I have update this tutorial with a latest release of Apache Solr for Drupal 7 and 8. Read here.

On this quick tutorial, I’ll show you the steps to have a quick default Apache Solr installation using Jetty on an Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, which is the latest Ubuntu release. These are the steps you need to set up an Apache Solr multicore on Ubuntu

Get default Java and Jetty, on a terminal window type: 

#apt-get install default-jdk jetty libjetty-extra libjetty-extra-java

dowload Apache Solr from archives:

#wget https:/…
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Sunday, October 12, 2014
On this tutorial, I will explain how to configure a Drupal site so it can display a Map (Google Map) based on coordinates taken from a GPS file (*.GPX).

Modules needed:


Install these 3 modules and the Geofield Map submodule that comes bundled with Geofield as usual or using drush, once you are finished installing, create a sample content type and add 2 new fields to it:

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Friday, June 13, 2014
Content managers have to deal always with metadata provided by imagery of your website, this can be a tedious task for them and obviously it takes time to fill out all the meta data for your images so they can be  properly displayed on the site, indexed by search providers, etc.

One of the easiest ways I found to get information from an image file on Drupal is by using a module called Exif, this module uses the exif specification format to get the information used by digital cameras for example. This module provides a variety of information extracted from an image field on Drupal and…
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Friday, February 14, 2014
On this tutorial we will learn how to easily install the necessary Ruby packages needed on Ubuntu 14.04 in order to run compass and let Drupal do the magic with SASS.

On a terminal window type:

$sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev

once ruby is installed, run:

$sudo gem install compass
$sudo gem install sass

and there you go!

run "compass watch" on the Drupal theme folder you chose for you site and that's all, Compass will start scanning all the *.scsc files and compile all the changes on your styles.

$cd /my-drupal-site/sites/all/themes/my-responsive-theme-with-sass…
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Some helpful samples that can be used to process data after a query on Drupal.

// Retrieve all records into an indexed array of stdClass objects.

// Retrieve all records into an associative array keyed by the field in the result specified.

// Retrieve a 2-column result set as an associative array of field 1 => field 2.
// You can also specify which two fields to use by specifying the column numbers for each field
$result->fetchAllKeyed(0,2); // would be field 0 => field…
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Friday, September 27, 2013