This is my own site, currently running on Drupal 10.x, it was migrated initially from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 and now to Drupal 10 to a new structure. Site is hosted on a custom server architecture using Proxmox VE where I set up different Ubuntu Server Virtual Machines in order to handle a Load Balancer/Reverse Proxy (Pound + Varnish), Apache and PHP-FPM, MySQL and Apache Solr, also including Cloudflare integration (Zero Trust + SSL). As of the most relevant features, the site also has a SendGrid integration for email handling through the SMTP module, EXIF and Geolocation Field modules to provide the Geolocation info for Photos and render Maps, intense use of ECK entities + Inline Entity Form, Search API integration with Solr for the search engine, Metatag module + Google Tag and Google Analytics for SEO purposes.
The custom theme is a sub-theme generated by Radix using the latest Bootstrap 5 framework capabilities and the new Single Directory Components included in Drupal Core.
As the Drupal backend developer i faced the challenge to upgrade the site from an unstable Drupal 8 implementation to Drupal 9 following the Drupal's best practices, composerize the site, migrate modules, keep front end consistent, Help the project management team set up a proper QA Workflow for bug reporting under Trello.
National Pharmaceutical Council
As Drupal backend lead I was in charge of supporting the front end team with custom implementations to provide a perfect visual experience. On this Drupal 9 site I worked on custom integration with their news letter system using intensively the Drupal AJAX API. Site building fo the whole structure. Site hosted on Pantheon.
Entomological Society of America
Drupal backend developer in charge of migrating content from their old Drupal 7 site to a new Drupal 9 implementation, Integration of their custom Single Sign On workflow. Site hosted on Pantheon.
Heart Failure Society of America
Drupal backend lead, in charge of site building, gather requirements by working directly with the client, custom modules implementations. Drupal 9 version hosted in Pantheon.