On this post I'll show you how to run Drupal 8 or any PHP application using Apache HTTP Server with mod_event enabled and PHP 7-FPMFirst we need to get the required PHP and Apache packages from the Ubuntu repository:$sudo apt-get install php7.0-fpm apache2 libapache2-mod-fastcgithen we need to disable the worker that's enabled by default and switch to mpm_event:$sudo a2dismod mpm_worker
$sudo a2enmod mpm_eventNow that we have enabled the event module, let's activate some required extra apache modules needed to run our apps like Drupal:$sudo a2enmod alias rewrite fastcgi expires headers… Read more
$sudo a2enmod mpm_eventNow that we have enabled the event module, let's activate some required extra apache modules needed to run our apps like Drupal:$sudo a2enmod alias rewrite fastcgi expires headers… Read more