Hi, on this post I'll go step by step into the process on how to configure Apache Solr for Drupal 10 so your sites can have a robust search engine based on indexes specially targeted for big sites that handle tons of data. Also, the Ubuntu version I'll be running is 22.04 since it's the release that has PHP 8 required by Drupal 10, you can see how to configure Drupal 10 under Ubuntu 22.04 on this link.Apache Solr is a Java application that works as a search engine based on indexes, pieces of data that can by queried super fast providing search results in a very optimal, reliable and again…
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Hi, on this blog post I'll will show you how to set up a Drupal Development Environment under VirtualBox which is a virtualization tool that allows us to create Virtual Machines or in our case Virtual Private Servers (VPS).I'm writing this post so developers can have a different alternative to the current Dockerized solutions such as Lando, Docksal or DDEV since I have found, during the time these tools are out, developers struggling a lot with their configuration, performance and set up of Drupal projects. Even though I agree they can save us sometime with some processes once a project is…
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