
Foundation is one of the latest and most popular responsive frameworks available on the Web nowadays, quite easy to use, fast to learn, the documentation section is really useful and there is also a Drupal version of this framework included as a base theme so you can take good advantage of Foundation in Drupal.

Zurb Foundation is the Drupal base theme that implements this nice framework and offers a lot of advantages for example, creating Modal windows with Foundation is a pretty straight forward task and the base theme makes this task way easier on Drupal by providing a

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You might have crossed through this error a lot when developing web apps sharing multiple domain names for the same app and it usually triggers when app with domain name A tries to grab images/fonts/audio and somo other files from the same app with domain name B. Cross-Origin Request defines a way for browsers to share content in a secure way preventing your site of Cross Site Scripting attacks. But sometimes you do have apps that require multiple domain names and the resources must be shared between these in the same network so you know that content sharing is secure.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS.…
Sunday, November 2, 2014

On this post I'll show you some quick steps to install and configure Memcache on Ubuntu 14.04 so you can enable Memcache on your Drupal installation.

First, you need to get some necessary packages from the Ubuntu repository, on a terminal window type:

# sudo apt-get install memcached php5-memcache

This will install the Memcache Server deamon and the PHP Memcache Extension.

Then, on your settings.php file you will need to add this lines in order to activate the Memcache Drupal module, see the module's documentation for more information about extend your memcache functionality.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Update: I have update this tutorial with a latest release of Apache Solr for Drupal 7 and 8. Read here.

On this quick tutorial, I’ll show you the steps to have a quick default Apache Solr installation using Jetty on an Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, which is the latest Ubuntu release. These are the steps you need to set up an Apache Solr multicore on Ubuntu

Get default Java and Jetty, on a terminal window type: 

#apt-get install default-jdk jetty libjetty-extra libjetty-extra-java

dowload Apache Solr from archives:


Sunday, October 12, 2014

On this tutorial, I will explain how to configure a Drupal site so it can display a Map (Google Map) based on coordinates taken from a GPS file (*.GPX).

Modules needed:


Install these 3 modules and the Geofield Map submodule that comes bundled with Geofield as usual or using drush, once you are finished installing, create a sample…

Friday, June 13, 2014