Helpful Fetch Methods for Drupal 7 Queries

Last modified
Sunday, February 5, 2017 - 21:25

Some helpful samples that can be used to process data after a query on Drupal.

// Retrieve all records into an indexed array of stdClass objects.

// Retrieve all records into an associative array keyed by the field in the result specified.

// Retrieve a 2-column result set as an associative array of field 1 => field 2.
// You can also specify which two fields to use by specifying the column numbers for each field
$result->fetchAllKeyed(0,2); // would be field 0 => field 2
$result->fetchAllKeyed(1,0); // would be field 1 => field 0

// Retrieve a 1-column result set as one single array.
// Column number can be specified otherwise defaults to first column


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